

Christopher Cain
Professor of Education
Coordinator for M.Ed, Integrated Ed., and AIG
Director of Center for Engaged Teaching & Learning
NCDPI P-12 Liaison
Department: Education, Master of Education
Office:  Nash 306
P.O. Box:  6684
Phone:  (828) 689-1495
Email:  ccain@mhu.edu
Bridget Morton
Director of Teaching with Primary Sources
Assistant Professor of Education
Department: Education, Master of Education, TPS
Office:  Nash 309
P.O. Box:  6684
Phone:  (828) 689-1181
Email:  bmorton@mhu.edu
Christiaan Ramsey
Assistant Professor of Education
Department: Education, Master of Education
Office:  Nash 308
P.O. Box:  6684
Phone:  (828) 689-1401
Email:  cramsey@mhu.edu
Susan Stigall
Professor of Education & Chair of Education
Department: Education, Master of Education
Office:  Nash 303
P.O. Box:  6684
Phone:  (828) 689-1177