Athletic Training

Athletic Training

Mars Hill University now offers a Bachelor of Science degree in Allied Health Sciences which prepares students to pursue graduate and professional programs in Athletic Training, Physical Therapy, or Occupational Therapy. After successful completion of the degree with respective concentration, graduates will be well positioned to enter and succeed at the graduate/professional program of their choice.

Learn more about the Allied Health Sciences program.

Mars Hill University will no longer accept students into the athletic training program after the spring 2018 semester. Students who are already admitted in the program at that time will have the opportunity to complete the major.

A student pursuing this undergraduate entry-level program must complete the athletic training major at Mars Hill University. Competitive admission to this program occurs during the freshman year. Transfers are handled on a case by case basis, but are required to apply to the Athletic Training Education Program. Any students interested in transferring into the Athletic Training Education Program should contact the Program Director.

In order to apply to the Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP) all student applicants, including transfers, must demonstrate proof of physical examination and current immunizations (as required by MHU admissions standards), complete an application, and undergo a formal interview by committee members. Details on these processes, including GPA requirements and any required coursework, are available at the Athletic Training Education Program’s website. Contact the Program Director of the ATEP for clarification and current program details.

Completion of this major will allow a student to sit for the Board of Certification (BOC) examination. The Mars Hill University Athletic Training Education Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE).


The mission of the Mars Hill University Athletic Training Education Program (ATEP) is to provide a comprehensive, progressive Education program to prepare the liberal arts student for a career in athletic training. The Education program includes formal instruction and clinical experiences in the prevention, recognition, evaluation, and rehabilitation of injuries to the physically active. This preparation, along with successfully passing the Board of Certification (BOC) examination will qualify students for entry-level careers in athletic training.


The Certified Athletic Trainer is associated with every sport and team of Mars Hill University. The Athletic Training Student works with the Certified Athletic Trainer to learn the cognitive competencies, psychomotor competencies, and clinical proficiencies necessary to become an entry-level Certified Athletic Trainer. These skills include prevention, recognition, treatment, and care of athletic injuries, supervision of the treatment and rehabilitation of injured athletes, and necessary organizational and administrative skills. Success in the ATEP is measured on how well the student performs the skills necessary to become an entry-level Certified Athletic Trainer – in the classroom, in the laboratory, and in the clinical setting.

Program Overview

  • The Mars Hill University Athletic Training Education Program is 3 year program that begins in the sophomore year. Application and admission to the program is required during the freshman year. Requirements include completion of the freshman year (a minimum of 24 credit hours), a 2.5 GPA, completion of 60 hours of observation during the freshman year, and completion of an application process with an interview.
  • CAATEThe program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Athletic Training Education (CAATE) – As of 12/15/15, the MHU ATEP has been placed on Probation Status by the CAATE. This status is currently being addressed and does not remove our Accreditation Status.
  • We are also on probation for Standard 11 which highlights our BOC pass rate. Programs are required to have a 3 year aggregate 1st time pass rate of 70% or higher. Currently our ATEP has a 3 year aggregate of 54% as can be viewed below and on the CAATE website. We are working to rectify this over the next academic years as improvements can only be made as students graduate and successfully challenge the BOC exam. Action plans are in place to provide students the tools necessary to meet the knowledge, skills, and abilities presented on the exam and become qualified Board Certified Athletic Trainers.
  • Upon enrollment in the final semester towards completion of the Athletic Training Degree, the student is eligible to apply to sit for the Board of Certification Exam.

Athletic Training Education Program Policies and Procedures Manual

Coursework and Clinical Rotations

Major courses and clinical assignments begin at the start of the sophomore year. Throughout their education students complete an upper extremity intensive, low extremity intensive, equipment intensive, male sport, and female sport rotation. Additional Affiliate Rotations are also assigned throughout the curriculum to supplement learning experiences

Each year in the program, students will be assigned:

    1. Major onsite clinical rotation where they will attend all games and practices for the entire season
    2. Secondary onsite clinical rotation where they will complete approximately half of a season.
    3. 5 hour/week rotation
    4. Required Affiliate Rotations
      • MHU Infirmary (4 Hrs)
      • Alta Ridge Foot Specialists (4 Hrs)
      • Blue Ridge Bone and Joint Physical Therapy (4 Hrs)
    5. Additional Rotations in Review and Processing (Not Currently Offered, but may be implemented as early as Spring 2016) due to Affiliation Agreement Re-newal With Mission Hospital Inc.
      • Surgical Observations: Mission Hospitals
      • High School Rotation: Erwin HS, TC Roberson HS, Madison HS


BOC Exam Pass Rate 16-17 17-18 18-19 3 year Agg
Number of students graduating from program 6 4 4 14
Number of students graduating from program who took examination 6 2 4 12
Number of students who passed the examination on the first attempt 4 2 1 7
Percentage of students who passed the examination on the first attempt 67 100 25 58
Number of students who passed the examination regardless of the number of attempts 5 2 1 8
Percentage of students who passed the examination regardless of the number of attempts 83 100 25 67
Program Retention Rate 17-18 18-19 19-20 3 year Agg
Number of students beginning Program (cohort) 9 8 3 20
Number of students returning for subsequent year 2 4 5 2 11
Program retention rate (%) 44.4 62.5 66.6 55
Student Graduation Rate 17-18 18-19 19-20 3  year agg
Number of students graduating from program 4 4 1 9
Student Graduation Rate (%) 75 50 33 45
Student Employment Rate 17-18 18-19 19-20 3 year agg
Number of students employed as AT 1 1 0 2
Student Employment Rate as AT (%) 33.3 25 0 22
Number of students employed as other 1 2 0 3
Student Employment Rate as other (%) 33.3 50 0 33
Number of students not employed 1 1 1 3
Student Not Employed Rate (%) 33.3 25 100 33