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It is important that camp staff maintain good order and discipline in all programs and workshops. Top objectives are safety and a positive atmosphere for learning and developing musicianship and social skills. The camp staff will make every effort to help students understand clear definitions of acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
The MHU Department of Music does not condone and will not permit:
A student’s behavior is expected to be consistent with the following:
The Discipline Policy
Behaviors that may result in immediate dismissal include but are not limited to:
Parents or guardians are required to inform the MHU Department of Music in writing, prior to a student’s acceptance in the summer music camp program, of any special circumstances which may affect the student’s ability to participate fully and within the guidelines of acceptable behavior, including but not limited to any serious behavioral problems or special circumstances regarding psychological, medical or physical conditions.
Upon being informed of such circumstances, the camp director (or his/her designee, i.e. assistant camp director or camp staff) may require a conference with the parent(s)/guardian(s) to discuss issues created by these circumstances.
Dr. JT Womack
Director of Bands
Office: 201 Moore Auditorium
Phone: (828) 689-1210
Email: justin_womack@mhu.edu
Mars Hill Summer Music Camp
Attn: Dr. Womack
100 Athletic Street
Box 6693
Mars Hill, NC 28754