Disability Services

Accessibility Services

Mission and Goals

The mission of Mars Hill University Accessibility Services is to remove barriers and ensure fair access for students with accessibility challenges.  Reasonable accommodations may be afforded to qualified students with accessibility issues that substantially limit one or more major life activities as relative to the general population. Services to students with accessibility issues are designed to allow access to university programs by providing reasonable accommodations. Accommodations are provided when necessary as determined on a case-by-case basis through an interactive process between the student and the Accessibility Services Coordinator.

In support of this mission, the goals of the Office of Accessibility Services are to:

  • Engage in an interactive process with prospective students to determine eligibility for accommodations and with qualifying students to determine appropriate academic or facility related accommodations that will reduce barriers but not fundamentally alter essential components of the course, program, activity, or experience;
  • Coordinate and provide accommodations and related support services necessary to access university programs and services for students with accessibility issues;
  • Serve as a resource and advocate for students with accessibility issues while promoting independence and responsibility;
  • Assist the University in compliance with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), its Amendments, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and the Fair Housing Act
  • Foster awareness and support for faculty, staff, and administration regarding the needs of students with accessibility issues.

How to Request Accessibility Services

It is the student’s responsibility to disclose a disability to the university and to request accommodations in a timely manner.  Requests for accommodations or services may be made at any time; however, keep in mind that some accommodations may take time to arrange. Be aware that accommodations are not retroactive and cannot be made for events or exams that have occurred prior to the request.

In order to initiate a request for reasonable accommodations students should submit either the Accessibility Services Request for Academic Accommodations Form  and/or the Accessibility Services Request for Housing Accommodations Form  as suitable to the request(s). The appropriate form(s), along with supporting professional healthcare and/or psychological documentation (see Documentation Guidelines), should be submitted to the Accessibility Services Coordinator.

Regarding Academic Accommodation Requests, once the completed documentation and request forms are received, the Accessibility Services Coordinator will achieve to acknowledge receipt of and status of the request within 5 business days.  Regarding Housing Accommodation Requests, once the completed documentation and request forms are received, the student will be informed within 10 business days of the status or decision regarding the request.  In some cases, the Faculty/Staff Accessibility Services Committee may also be consulted.  The official means of notification for decisions or need for additional action regarding accommodation requests will be sent by letter via the individual student’s MHU email account.

Academic Accommodations:  Students who are approved to receive classroom accommodations are asked to arrange a Welcome Meeting with the Accessibility Services Coordinator prior to or within the first few weeks of the semester to develop the Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP).  The AAP is a document that confirms the approved academic accommodations. Students are generally responsible, unless other arrangements are agreed upon, to provide a copy of their AAP directly to their instructors.  Students must request renewal of the AAP for all subsequent semesters. 

Housing Accommodations:  Housing accommodation requests will be reviewed in collaboration with the Director or Assistant Director for Residence Life.  Once approved, the Office of Residence Life will work directly with the approved student to fulfill specific housing accommodation needs.  Students who wish to request approval to renew housing accommodations for the subsequent year must complete a Housing Accommodation Renewal Form prior to the Housing Selection/Room Preference Process that occurs during Spring Semester.

For additional information, please contact:

Accessibility Services Coordinator
Mailing Address: PO Box 6714, MHU, Mars Hill, NC  28754
Delivery: Renfro 309
Fax (Please confirm receipt): 828-689-1445
Phone: 828-689-1410
August–May Office Hours: 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ,or by appointment
June–July Office Hours: By appointment