Title IX

Supportive Measures

Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive, individualized services offered as appropriate and reasonably available, without fee or charge, to the complainant or respondent before, during, or after the filing of a Formal Compliant or where no Formal Complaint has been filed. Supportive Measures may be issued based upon a party’s request or at the University’s own initiative. Request Supportive Measures.

Supportive Measures could include the following:

  • No-Contact Order
  • Academic accommodations
  • Changes in campus housing assignments
  • Changes to course schedules
  • Changes to work schedules/duties
  • Counseling, advocacy, or medical services
  • Temporary suspension (only in rare circumstances and only if a Formal Complaint is filed)

If Supportive Measures are implemented, the Title IX Coordinator will notify the Respondent, and any other individual or entity affected by the Supportive Measures, in writing.  The following factors are considered when determining the appropriateness of Supportive Measures: the seriousness of the allegations, scheduled interactions between the Complainant and the Respondent (e.g., courses, housing assignments, extracurricular activities), restraining orders or other civil protections. When implementing Supportive Measures, the Title IX Coordinator will balance the need to ensure the safety of the Complainant and the University community with the need to minimize the impact on the Respondent.