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At the River I Stand: King’s Final Days

Belk Auditorium 100 Athletic St, Mars Hill

Film & Discussion moderated by Dr. Brett Johnson, MHU Associate Professor of Sociology "At the River I Stand" (58 min) a film about the Memphis garbage workers' strike that brought […]

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Hike of Bailey Mountain

Bailey Mountain Preserve 885 Forest St., Mars Hill

All are invited to join the 10th annual MLK Jr Day hike up Bailey Mountain. We will leave from 889 Forest St and pause periodically to read excerpts of Dr. […]

Martin Luther King Trivia Night

The LOFT (McConnell) 54 College St., Mars Hill

Come and test your knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. against your peers! And/or come to learn more about this American icon and the black civil rights movement. Come […]