ROARientation: Understanding DEI
Sign in to download the locationCollege is filled with diverse people, and this is a chance to learn how to engage respectively and inclusively. --- Event Details:
College is filled with diverse people, and this is a chance to learn how to engage respectively and inclusively. --- Event Details:
Transitioning to a new college can be daunting. This session outlines common mental health challenges and how you can take care of yourself. --- Event Details:
College is about finding what matters to YOU. True North gives you a time for quit reflection to find what matters to mean to you. --- Event Details:
The Mars Hill baseball team will hold its annual Baseball Night on Saturday, January 13 inside Chambers Gymnasium. Doors will open at 5 p.m. and the event will start at 5:30 p.m. Both live and silent auctions will be held as well as several raffles with all proceeds benefitting the program directly. The 2023-24 roster […]
Enjoy free pizza, watch a fun movie, and meet new people! --- Event Details:
A time for students, staff, faculty, and community members to meet, share a meal, and explore ways of working together in being a united community in the spirit of the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. --- Event Details:
Film & Discussion moderated by Dr. Brett Johnson, MHU Associate Professor of Sociology "At the River I Stand" (58 min) a film about the Memphis garbage workers' strike that brought MLK to Memphis where he was assassinated--includes footage of King's last speech "I've Been to the Mountaintop." Addresses economic struggles of the black working class […]
All are invited to join the 10th annual MLK Jr Day hike up Bailey Mountain. We will leave from 889 Forest St and pause periodically to read excerpts of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1968 speech "I Have Been to the Mountaintop." Allow 2.5 hours for the entire hike and return, rated moderate. Wear warm […]
Come and test your knowledge of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. against your peers! And/or come to learn more about this American icon and the black civil rights movement. Come alone or with friends. People will be divided into teams for this fun trivia event. Run by MHU’s Trivia Master, Dr. Brett Johnson. In the […]
A time to gather on the upper Quad and meditate on how we can continue our efforts as individuals and as a community toward closing the divisions in our society on this National Day of Racial Healing. --- Event Details:
Men's Basketball Reunion January 19-20, 2024
Mars Hill University
P.O. Box 370
100 Athletic Street
Mars Hill, NC 28754
Location & Directions
Mars Hill University
P.O. Box 370
100 Athletic Street
Mars Hill, NC 28754
Location & Directions