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Event Series Senior Art Exhibition

Senior Art Exhibition

Weizenblatt Gallery 79 Cascade Street, Mars Hill, NC, United States

The MHU seniors in the Visual Arts department will exhibit their work in Weizenblatt Gallery. You'll see works in graphic design, graphic arts, ceramics, painting, and photography. This exhibition is the culmination of their studies and shows some beautiful work.

Event Series PRISM Meeting

PRISM Meeting

DEI Lounge 147 Bailey St, Mars Hill, NC

PRISM (Mars Hill University's LGBTQIA+ Organization) is hosting a weekly group meeting from 8pm-9pm in the DEI Lounge in Renfro Library. All are welcome!

Event Series Senior Art Exhibition

Senior Art Exhibition

Weizenblatt Gallery 79 Cascade Street, Mars Hill, NC, United States

The MHU seniors in the Visual Arts department will exhibit their work in Weizenblatt Gallery. You'll see works in graphic design, graphic arts, ceramics, painting, and photography. This exhibition is the culmination of their studies and shows some beautiful work.

Connectivity and Collaboration: Creating Safe Passage on I-26 and Beyond

Ferguson Health Sciences Center, Room 306

This program is co-hosted by the Ramsey Center for Appalachian Studies, the Department of Ecology and Conservation, and the Environmental Studies Department. Traveling always involves risk for humans. But roads pose a serious challenge to wildlife, forming barriers that disrupt the natural flow and habitat connectivity that are necessary for species long-term health and survival—especially […]

Event Series Senior Art Exhibition

Senior Art Exhibition

Weizenblatt Gallery 79 Cascade Street, Mars Hill, NC, United States

The MHU seniors in the Visual Arts department will exhibit their work in Weizenblatt Gallery. You'll see works in graphic design, graphic arts, ceramics, painting, and photography. This exhibition is the culmination of their studies and shows some beautiful work.

Event Series Senior Art Exhibition

Senior Art Exhibition

Weizenblatt Gallery 79 Cascade Street, Mars Hill, NC, United States

The MHU seniors in the Visual Arts department will exhibit their work in Weizenblatt Gallery. You'll see works in graphic design, graphic arts, ceramics, painting, and photography. This exhibition is the culmination of their studies and shows some beautiful work.

Fiddling On the Hill: Traditional Jam Session

Upper Quad / Lunsford Commons College St, Mars Hill, NC, United States

Rosin up your bow, tune up the banjo, get your dancing shoes out and join us at Fiddling on the Hill, MHU’s monthly traditional jam session. These sessions, which are led by accomplished musicians, are welcoming and open to all. We play tunes out on Lunsford Commons (the upper quad) when the weather is comfortable […]