High School Students Invited to Spend a Day on the Hill

Two students hold TshirtsMars Hill University invites prospective students to attend its Spring Visit Day on Saturday, April 14, 2018. The visitation day will allow high school students to get a taste of college life, from academics to athletics, and even to the food in the cafeteria. Check-in begins at 9:00 a.m.

Whether they choose to attend the Spring Visit Day or to visit at another time, students will have the opportunity to tour the campus; meet with professors to discuss how to be successful in their college majors; meet with enrollment and financial aid counselors about admissions, scholarships, and other financial aid; and enjoy lunch in Pittman Dining Hall. Students and their families also may cheer on several of the Lions athletic teams, with baseball, men’s lacrosse, women’s lacrosse, and men’s and women’s tennis all scheduled to have home games on April 14.