MHU Business Management Degree Moves Fully Online Beginning With This Year’s Summer School Registration

Working adults who want to earn a business degree can take advantage of a change to Mars Hill University’s Bachelor of Science in Business Management degree. The degree, offered through the university’s Adult and Graduate Studies program, will be delivered fully online, beginning this summer.

Registration is underway for that program and many others offered through Mars Hill’s summer term classes. Most classes meet in five week terms, with the first term beginning May 26 and second term beginning June 29. Ten-week classes begin May 26. While MHU regularly offers some online summer classes, this year all summer classes will meet online, as the university continues remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mars Hill’s summer classes are open to all students who want to get a head start for the fall semester or who just want to gain some extra credits during the summer months. Visiting students also are welcome. Most courses are geared for both traditional and adult populations, allowing students to continue their education through the summer months.

The business management program offers a broad business education in accounting, economics, finance, operations, and marketing, while providing an in-depth exploration of management in organizations. The program offers many benefits for working adults, including qualified faculty with broad, real-world experience; small class sizes; an academic advisor dedicated to adult students; and opportunities to network with business leaders. Mars Hill’s business management is self-paced, allowing students to fit it into their busy schedules. Students may enter at any time and may take as many courses in a term as they like, up to the 20-hour-per-full-semester limit.

The university is highlighting several other courses that might be of particular interest this summer.

  • Among them are several criminal justice courses, including two that are part of Mars Hill’s new online Certificate in Intelligence Studies. Criminal justice offerings include Cybersecurity and Criminal Justice, Open Source Intelligence and Social Media, and Women and Criminal Justice.
  • The first-term course, Intro to Women’s/Gender Studies will provide students a framework to analyze cultural constructions of gender, race, class, and sexuality.
  • The social work department is offering its full-term Intro to Social Work, as well as a new course on Veteran Services and Public Policy, which provides a broad overview of specific public policies affecting veterans including veterans disability benefits programs, higher education and vocational training, health care, housing and homelessness, employment, and the unique policies and programs meant to address the different challenges American Indian veterans and women veterans often face.
  • In health and human performance offerings, students may take an online Beginning Strength/Cardio Training class, as well as a course called Dynatomy, in which they’ll learn biomechanical principles of how the body moves, with applications in sports, dance, strength training, and human performance.

Summer school tuition is $406 per credit hour for all undergraduate students. Financial aid for summer school is available for most students.

For more information contact the admissions office at (828) 689-1206, or visit