Polaroids and Other Instant Photos To Show at Mars Hill University Gallery

The upcoming exhibition at Mars Hill University’s Weizenblatt Gallery will feature a now-rarely-seen type of photography. Polaroid cameras and film once were very popular around the world. They were “instant” photographs that didn’t require a trip to the drug store to be developed and printed. With the advent of digital cameras, though, Polaroids were no longer “instant,” and they were quickly replaced for many people. Some photographers continue to use this older technology, though, attracted by the intimacy of the small format, the saturated color of the prints, and the fact that each photo is unique.

Jay Kranyik is one of those photographers. He has been working with Polaroids and Instax (a similar format made by Fuji) for over 35 years. This exhibition will feature approximately 125 of his images, showcasing the characteristics, strengths, and limitations of the medium. The exhibit will run from January 16 to February 8, with a reception for the artist on Wednesday, January 23.

Established in 1991 as a gift from the estate of Dr. Sprinza Weizenblatt, Asheville physician and philanthropist, the primary function of the Weizenblatt Gallery at Mars Hill University is to educate through art. Weizenblatt Gallery hosts exhibitions of work in a variety of styles and mediums by artists of local and national prominence. The gallery’s operational hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the academic spring and fall semesters. The general public, school classes, and other groups are welcome. Admission is free.

For more information, contact gallery director Skip Rohde at (828) 273-6476 or