
Kweilin Lucas
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
M.A.C.J. Program Coordinator
Department: Criminal Justice
Office:  Cornwell 315
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1500
  • Kweilin LucasB.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2007
  • M.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2008
  • Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2018

Curriculum Vitae

Kweilin Lucas is an associate professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and the program coordinator for the Master of Arts in Criminal Justice (M.A.C.J.) program. Dr. Lucas is a generalist and conducts research on a variety of topics related to criminology and criminal justice, although her primary interests include criminological theory, interpersonal violence, and corrections. Her work has been published in the American Journal of Criminal Justice, Victims & Offenders, Aggression and Violent Behavior, and the Journal of Criminal Justice Education. She also actively mentors graduate students in the completion of original research and has helped to design online courses that incorporate research skills to help students establish areas of specialization to benefit their marketability for various careers.

Recent Publications:

  • Lucas, K. T. (2022). Deepfakes and domestic violence: Perpetrating intimate partner abuse using video technology. Victims & Offenders, 17(5), 647-659.
  • Lucas, K. T., Marcum, C. D., Lucas, P. A., & Blalock, J. (2022). Military veteran involvement with the criminal justice system: A systematic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior.
  • Lamphere, R. D., Lucas, K. T., Holler, T. J., & Marcum, C. D. (2022). Policy, Populations, & Controversial Issues in Corrections: An Application Approach. San Diego, CA: Cognella.
  • Lucas, K. T. (2021). In-flight sexual victimization in the #MeToo era: A content analysis of media reports. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 46(1), 130-148.

Research Interests

  • Criminological theory
  • Victimology and interpersonal violence
  • Cybercrime victimization and offending
  • Corrections and contemporary correctional issues