
Serena McMillan
Assistant Professor of Religion and Program Coordinator of Religion and Philosophy
Department: Religion & Philosophy
Office:  Cornwell 219
P.O. Box:  6662
Phone:  (828) 689-1184

Serenan McMillanSerena McMillan (Ph.D., Vanderbilt University, 2023) holds a B.A. in Religion and Philosophy, an M.A. in New Testament, an M.A. in Hebrew Bible, and a Ph.D. in Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East. Her research seeks to bridge the gap between academic and ecclesial readings of the biblical texts by engaging in ethnographic research to understand the reception history of sacred texts in modern church contexts. Her dissertation, The Eve-olution of Modern Woman, delves into how the story of Eve from Genesis 2 and 3 has been received by Southern Baptist women in the French Broad Baptist Association of Mars Hill, NC, and how the interpretations they have heard have shaped their understanding of themselves and their roles in society and the church.

Dr. McMillan has taught a variety of courses on religion, languages, and the Bible at multiple institutions, including Vanderbilt University, San Francisco Theological Seminary, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and Mars Hill University. She is competent to teach a variety of ancient languages including Hebrew, Greek, Akkadian, Ugaritic, Aramaic, and Syriac.

Dr. McMillan grew up nearby in Weaverville, North Carolina, and is an alumna of Mars Hill University.