
Christiaan Ramsey
Assistant Professor of Education
Department: Master of Education, Education
Office:  Nash 308
P.O. Box:  6684
Phone:  (828) 689-1401
  • Christiaan RamseyB.A., Mars Hill College, 1992
  • M.S.A., Western Carolina University, 2004
  • EDS. Western Carolina University, 2006
  • Ed.D., Western Carolina University, 2010

Christiaan Ramsey is an alumnus from the class of 1992. He recently retired from Madison County Schools, where he spent 30 years serving as a teacher, bus driver, principal, and central office administrator. Ramsey earned his doctoral degree with a concentration in curriculum and instruction from Western Carolina University in 2010. He has served as an adjunct professor of education since 2006.