Student Complaint Procedure

State Authorization, Student Grievances and Professional Licensure

  1. Student complaints should follow the complaint process related to the nature of the complaint.


Admission or Readmission Academic Catalog, p. 15
Academic Policies
Grade Appeal
Academic Integrity
Academic Catalog, p. 33
Academic Catalog, p. 48
Academic Catalog, p. 46
Academic Records Registrar, Academic Catalog, p. 45
Student Conduct Policies Student Handbook, p. 45, Student Resources
Discrimination or Sexual Harassment Title IX Policy and Resources


  1. If the complaint does not fall in any of the above categories, the student should first address the issue with the person with whom they have the complaint or with that person’s direct supervisor.
  2. If, after discussing the issue at the department level, you feel that the complaint has not been fully addressed, you may complete and submit the complaint form below to Dr. Dave Rozeboom, Vice President for Student Life., (828) 689-1230.

  1. Dr. Rozeboom will review the complaint and refer to the appropriate senior-level administrator in writing within 5 business days.
    Dr. Dave Rozeboom
    Vice President for Student Life
    Mars Hill University
    P.O. Box 6712
    Mars Hill, NC   28754
  2. The resolution of any complaint that has been through this process may be appealed to the Provost in writing within 30 days of the complaint.
    Dr. Tracy Parkinson
    Mars Hill University
    P.O. Box 6761
    Mars Hill, NC   28754
    (828) 689-1156

Campus Tips Report: