Marketing and Communications

The Office of Marketing and Communications serves as the official channel for delivering university news to local, state, and national media services. Using established media contacts, our office coordinates publicity of Mars Hill University news and events.

If you have a unique story to tell, information that affects a broad range of people, or if your department is hosting an event that is open to the public, contact our office and we will help you determine how to best provide the story to the media.

Besides news stories and news releases, the marketing and communications office also can help you with the following:

Calendar Events and Public Service Announcements

The MarComm staff members have established media contacts, through which to publicize Mars Hill University events. Send complete information, including date, time, location, cost and a brief description of the event, along with contact information to the marketing and communications office as early as possible. Faculty and staff may use the submission form found on myMHU and The Hub.

Publicity Planning

Some campus events warrant more than a public service announcement. Contact the marketing and communications office as soon as an event is scheduled and we will determine how best to publicize the event. We can help you target your publicity and disseminate information to the right audiences for maximum coverage.

Mars Hill: The Magazine

Mars Hill University’s alumni magazine, Mars Hill: The Magazine, is published twice a year and is distributed without cost to alumni and friends of the university. To have your story idea or submission considered for inclusion, please e-mail Teresa Buckner.

Crisis Communications

In the event of a campus crisis, the Office of Marketing and Communications will be the clearinghouse for official, accurate, and up-to-the-minute information. Please refer all media inquiries to (828) 689-1298.

Website & Social Media

The Office of Marketing and Communications, through the director of online presence and new media, is charged (along with select Mars Hill faculty, staff, and students) with planning content, design, and function for the university’s website, social media presence, and Inside MHU e-newsletters. Contact us at

In order to be recognized as an official university account and for the university to promote your content, an employee should register the page(s) with the marketing & communications office. Accounts are asked to commit to posting at least twice weekly. If your organization or group has compelling content but would not have it frequently enough to maintain an account, please forward the content to our office at for inclusion on the main university accounts.  If you do plan to have content to establish an account,  you will be asked to share admin access of the social accounts with the marketing & communications office. Logins will only be used in the event content violates university guidelines or in the event the university must respond to a situation. Accounts should not be created prior to receiving approval from the marketing & communications office. Complete this form to register the account.


The Office of Marketing and Communication manages Mars Hill University’s comprehensive advertising program, which includes budgeting, planning, designing, and advertising for university programs. Contact our office at (828) 689-1126.


Our staff maintains extensive photo files, and has contact with local photographers in order to serve your photographic needs. To find out more about what charges and restrictions may apply, contact our office at (828) 689-1298 or e-mail Mike Thornhill.

Photographing/Videoing of Students

The university employs photographers and videographers, as well as arranges with student workers and outside contractors, to make photographs and video and audio recordings of students to illustrate various aspects of university and campus life. These photos/videos will be taken at on-campus venues such as athletics events, student life activities, ceremonies, and concerts, and in other organized campus photo/video shoots at which the subjects will have given verbal consent to be photographed/recorded. Individuals who are photographed/recorded while attending a public event or who verbally agree to participate in a photo or video shoot have given Mars Hill University the right to use their likenesses in any and all print and electronic materials used to promote the university. The university will retain the usage rights to the photographs and videography in perpetuity.

Brochures, Flyers, Invitations, and Posters

The Office of Marketing and Communications, which includes Paw Prints copy center, will assist in production of any university publication needed, but because of workload and priority projects, it is necessary that appointments be set with our staff to assure timely project scheduling. Generally, a minimum of two weeks is required to design a project. To ensure prompt completion, contact our office for more information on publication requirements and scheduling by emailing Teresa Buckner.

Graphic Standards

Mars Hill University has committed significant resources to defining our institutional vision and image. The marketing and communications office is charged by Mars Hill University’s senior administration with consistently promoting that image. Each document, video, and posted message delivers a message about the institution that can enhance the view of the target audience about what Mars Hill is and does. Our Graphic Standards Manual provides guidance in application of universal colors, word/format usage and choice, and logo placement.

Independent production of off-campus communications materials is strongly discouraged by the university’s administration.

All projects, including student projects, that involve the development of promotional materials for Mars Hill University or for the university’s programs or events must be routed through the Office of Marketing and Communications. Contact the marketing and communications staff prior to beginning the project. The Office of Marketing and Communications is dedicated to using university resources and funds in the most efficient way possible, and can help you get the most for your money.


Marketing and advertising inquiries
Senior Director of Marketing and Communications: Samantha Fender, (828) 689-1126

News and media inquiries
Director of Communications: Mike Thornhill, (828) 689-1298

Mars Hill Magazine or other publication inquiries
Director of Publications: Teresa Buckner, (828) 689-1304

Paw Prints Copy Center
Media and Print Services: Kristie Souther, (828) 689-1125

Facebook logo Instagram logo twitter logo


Graphic Standards Manual